Friday, May 22, 2020

Effects of Video Games on Childrens Behavior - 1744 Words

An analysis about the effects of video games on children behavior Effect of Video Games on Children’s Behavior Introduction Social scientists have been examining the effect that video games have on behavior. From the introduction of video games in the 1980s, there have been numerous research studies to this effect (Andersen Taylor, 2008). The issue has become even more significant in the modern context because these video games have become bloodier and more realistic than ever before. Even though boys play these games more than girls in America, the consumption of video games has generally been high. Carey (2013) indicates that 32% of these gamers are below the age of 18. Therefore, it would be crucial to evaluate the effects†¦show more content†¦Frustrating nonviolent video games indirectly induce aggressive cognitions by linking thoughts and feelings. Such games also increase arousal but it is violent games that directly cause the emergence of aggressive thoughts, stimulating long term development of structures associated with aggressive knowledge. Carey (2013) gives perfect examples of video games causing aggressive behaviors in children. According to the reporter, the young men responsible for opening fire at Columbine High School and even those that opened fire at the Auorora, Colo movie theatre as was in the news were all found to be video gamers who were deemed to be acting out of some digital fantasy. The exposure to computer games gave the idea for them to go on rampage or at least aroused the urge for such acts. It would therefore be appreciated that computer games, also a form of video games, caused an arousal of aggressive behavior in the perpetrators. This makes it easy to appreciate that video games, specifically those involving violence, trigger aggressive behaviors. On the other hand, video gaming promotes pro-social behavior and positive behavior. Avid gamers exhibit improved reflexes, healthier brains and better cognitive skills. It causes the regions of the brain in charge of memory function, strategic planning and spatial orientation to increase. Being a pervasive activity, it promotes numerous motor andShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Its Effects On Children927 Words   |  4 PagesVideo games are a more interesting form of entertainment for the simple reason that players may become part of the game’s plot. Video games were invented for many years now. However, the current variety of games raised concerns about how they affect the children s behavior due to the fact that the games are becoming more sophisticated. Children spend most of their free time playing video games. 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